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New Year and Setting Goals


Updated: Jan 1

As a new year approaches we often find ourselves making plans and resolutions for the year ahead. We start with an abundance of optimism and determination to achieve what we set out to do. There will be many who do just that, which is great, and well done if you fit into that category . However, there will be others of us  that have a history of goal setting and starting well  but, somewhere along the line, the plan goes awry, we become disheartened and ultimately the plan fails and the goals are put aside for another year.

Before we look at strategies and tips for pursuing those goals,

here is a brief history of the tradition of New Year Resolutions:

New Year resolutions are rooted in ancient traditions. The tradition is thought to have originated from Ancient Babylon, when the Babylonians are believed to have made new year resolutions during a 12-day festival  by way of making promises to their gods.

The tradition evolved further  with the Romans. Julius Caesar established January 1 as the start of the new year in honour of Janus, the two-faced god symbolising transitions. The Romans made promises of good behaviour and sacrifices to Janus.

In the Medieval period, early Christians viewed the new year as an opportunity for self-reflection and the correction of wrong doings. This continued into the 18thCentury when Methodism introduced the practice of urging congregants to pledge self-improvement.

With promises of good behaviour, sacrifice and self-reflection, we can recognise the origins of  our modern practice of making resolutions. Indeed, by the 19th and 20th centuries, the tradition had evolved into a more secular practice focusing on self-improvement and personal goals. Knowing how this tradition is steeped in history may increase motivation for some, maybe not! Either way, having looked at the historical origins, let’s consider some  modern day tips that may help us to set, persevere and achieve our personal goals for 2025

7 Tips for Achieving your 2025 Goals :

Prioritise – you may start with a long list of goals but take time and give careful thought to what is most important for you. Are you more concerned about health, social connection, career or study, nutrition, exploring your creativity or another aspect of your life? At the end of 2025, what do you most want to have seen a change in?


Be RealisticConsider the ‘size’ of your goal and its feasibility, be it in time, accessibility or financially. Be honest with yourself and ask, on a scale of 1 to 10, what’s the chance I can achieve this goal during this year? If it’s less than 7, maybe save that one for next year. Setting unrealistic goals is likely to be demotivating and disheartening and lessens the chance of reaching any goals.

Break big goals into smaller chunks - Some goals are best broken down into actionable steps. For example, "clearing out and reorganising my wardrobe and storage areas". This type of goal can be tackled incrementally, one drawer or cupboard at a time! By doing so you can avoid overwhelm and find smaller achievements along the way.

Be Specific - instead of saying "get healthy," decide on a couple of realistic changes such as - a 30 minute morning walk 3 times a week and limit sweet treats to twice a week - Being realistic plays a role here - don’t deny yourself ALL that you enjoy!

Personalise  - make sure your goals and the changes you want to make are individualised for you and reflect your needs and expectations. It’s easy to be influenced by the views of friends,family or the latest social media posts, but remember to stick to what’s right for YOU.


Record and RewardKeeping a record of your goals and progress, as you go, is essential. This can be daily or weekly. It serves as a reminder, a  motivator and a nudge to reflect when things don’t go to plan. Ensure you have a dedicated notebook or document for this purpose.  As a further motivator, you may wish to allocate yourself small rewards during the year when you reach certain markers.


Flexibility - despite all good intentions, unforseen circumstances and demands may on occasion throw you off track. Be prepared for this possibility - take control and make the decision to get back on track. Don't allow a bump in the road to negate your success so far. Be kind to yourself, life happens,  persevere and remind yourself of the acheivements already made. Additionally, by taking one step at a time you may find yourself wanting to enhance a goal - that 30 minute morning walk may become a 5 times a week event!

So, whatever your goals are for 2025 - whether it be building better habits in sleep, nutrition or fitness, enhancing your relationships, being more organised, learning a new skill, getting creative, or ensuring regular down-time to restore and reset - start your planning with these 7 steps in mind, and determine your Personal New Year's Resolutions. And finally:


Happy New Year!

May it  be one of good health, love, laughter and compassion.



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