The POWER of Taking a Break... when there’s just so much to do!
So many of us lead busy and stressful lives, having to manage the combination of responsibilities across domains of family, work, finances and social expectations, to name but a few. This time of year, with all the added expectations of the ‘Holiday’ season, can be especially difficult and draining. The prospect of taking time out can seem laughable, there’s just no time spare. However, taking a break when the pressure is on is a critical part of maintaining physical and mental wellbeing. The POWER of taking even a short break can be both significant and invigorating.
Consider the following:
Prioritise your own wellbeing. Recognize that a rest is essential for productivity and creativity. Remind yourself that taking a break is not a cop-out but a strategy to ensure you have the energy and motivation to complete the tasks at hand.
Openness and honesty with yourself and others. It’s ok to say, “I need a break” or “I need some help” and you may discover that those around you may want to participate in what needs to be done. After all, wouldn’t you want family and friends to be open with you
when they need time out?
Wind-down the unhelpful thoughts and self-judgement. We can often put considerable pressure on ourselves to meet expectations that have historically been embedded in our thinking or ones that, somewhere along the line, we have set ourselves. These often reveal themselves in our self-talk and reoccurring thoughts of “I must...” or “I should”. Learning to notice these but not engage with them can help free us from unnecessary and unhelpful expectations .
Energise your mind and body. A break can take so many forms. It may be purely rest time but can also take the form of movement , such as taking a short walk or engage in light physical activity to refresh your body. Alternatively, it may be reading a chapter of your book or engage in something creative to refresh and focus your mind.
Reframe the purpose of taking that break. Consider it not as wasted time, but a tool to recharge and re-engage. A continuous pattern of busyness and stress can eventually lead to burnout, which ultimately reduces our ability to be productive.
Try it out - even if for only an initial 10 minutes, step away from the work/chores, take your attention and focus elsewhere, and discover What a difference a BREAK makes!